2024 VBS Volunteer Registration

VBS is July 29 - August 1 // 6:00 - 8:30pm | Welcome, volunteers!

VBS is coming up fast! We are so glad to have you on our team as we partner together to bring VBS to our community. We have a jam-packed, FUN week planned for our VBS students. I cannot wait to share this experience with you. VBS will be Monday - Thursday from 6:00 - 8:30pm. We ask that volunteers arrive each night no later than 5:40pm.

We have a Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, July 31st at 3pm. We will be going over everyone's roles, safety procedures & policies and Safe Sanctuaries. This meeting is also when you will receive all of your paperwork and information to take home. It is important that you be there!

Thank you for serving our church and our community. I am so grateful we're still able to reach out and give them a week of fun. We see the difference we are making. We appreciate you!
Please select all that apply.


VBS is July 29 - August 1 // 6:00 - 8:30pm
Welcome, volunteers!

VBS is coming up fast! We are so glad to have you on our team as we partner together to bring VBS to our community. We have a jam-packed, FUN week planned for our VBS students. I cannot wait to share this experience with you. VBS will be Monday - Thursday from 6:00 - 8:30pm. We ask that volunteers arrive each night no later than 5:40pm.

We have a Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, July 31st at 3pm. We will be going over everyone's roles, safety procedures & policies and Safe Sanctuaries. This meeting is also when you will receive all of your paperwork and information to take home. It is important that you be there!

Thank you for serving our church and our community. I am so grateful we're still able to reach out and give them a week of fun. We see the difference we are making. We appreciate you!